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“Educational entertainment for most ages, with plenty of sarcasm and modern-day social context to add extra life, wit and vigour to the rigorous scholarly research”

— Prospect Magazine

“[The podcast] champions the lesser-known or outright ignored stories of mythological heroines, dips into queer theory and questions the ways myths inform how we understand human sexuality.”

— The Guardian


Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! is a Greek and Roman mythology podcast.

But it’s not your average mythology podcast, this one is told by a 30-something Millennial with a penchant for cursing and a feminist attitude. The stories are deeply researched, thoroughly told, and they don’t hold back on the details that have been sugarcoated and treated with kid gloves over the millennia. Myths of the ancient world are examined through a modern intersectional feminist lens, focusing where possible on amplifying the voices of women, trans, and non-binary people.

There’s violence, assault, and so, so many gods transforming into animals to have their way with [insert sentient being of your choice]. Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! is casual and equal parts fun but knowledgeable. The show will leave you with a deeper understanding of the myths and the people who told them those many, many years ago.

Listen and subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts! Or check out the Listen page to find episodes on this very website. Follow the podcast on Twitter, Tiktok, BlueSky, or Instagram. The podcast is also available on YouTube where captions are being uploaded for accessibility. Due to time constraints, the editing and uploading of captions is moving slowly but it is in progress. You can ask questions for upcoming or future Q&A episodes here.


About the Host

Liv Albert is the host, creator, writer, editor, and producer of Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! Liv is a giant nerd for a great many things, though most notably, Greek & Roman mythology.

Liv has a degree in English Literature & Classics (Classical Civilizations) from Concordia University in Montreal where she studied ancient Greece and Rome broadly. She is constantly researching new details and versions of Greek mythological stories to tell in the podcast, and especially loves speaking with experts on various ancient world subjects (always for the podcast!). Liv is devoted to the world of Greek and Roman mythology, even if it is full of bloodshed and horrible men.

She has a single mythological hill on which she will die: Medusa was a survivor who didn’t harm anyone. Liv is the author of two books on Greek mythology.


The Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! Team

For the first four and a half years of the Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! podcast Liv Albert operated the show as a solo creator, host, and literally every other role. Finally, that became unmanageable (okay, it had been unmanageable for awhile but Liv is stubborn) and Liv added a new member to what is now the Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! team!

Michaela Pangowish joined the team in January 2022 as Liv’s second-in-command, the Hermes to her Olympian gods. Michaela is a fellow Canadian and is studying Classics. Michaela is a vehement defender of Hera (rightly so!) and an unapologetic Achilles defender (because, Brad Pitt). Michaela handles creating podcast promotional material, playlists, and more. She runs the Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! YouTube account where new episodes being added every day with closed captions for greater accessibility, and will be taking on more as time goes on. Michaela is great and is already making Liv’s life easier, giving her more time to write books and plan future projects.