Oh Cassandra, cursed to know the future but that no one would believe her. A particularly dickish move from Apollo.

Cassandra’ Various Fragments

10.21 No Crime Have I Committed, Save to Speak the Truth: Cursed Cassandra.

Oh, cursed, cursed Cassandra. The princess of Troy is an enigma whose story is told in disjointed fragments that this episode weaves together.

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The Orestia

01.19 Will Someone Please Just Believe Cassandra?! - Part1

Guess who's back, back again? Agamemnon returns home to Argos after the decade-long Trojan War. And, well, things don't go super well for him. Recommended Listening: XXVII, XL, XLI, plus the entire Trojan War if you're down to binge.

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01.19 Orestes & Electra, the Angriest, Best-Named Children of Greek Mythology - Part 2

Siblings Orestes and Electra have quite the reunion; they plot and plot and plot. There's a reason it's a story covered by all three remaining tragedians.

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02.19 Matricide Mania! Furies, Furies Everywhere - Part 3

It's one murderous party with siblings Orestes and Electra! There's a reason it's a story covered by all three remaining tragedians.

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