The Orphic Tradition

An attempt to explain and understand the Orphic Tradition, a bizarre offshoot of Greek mythology revolving around Orpheus as prophet, and which introducing a number of bizarre storylines, characters, and generally confusing nonsense. Yes, it's where Zagreus comes from.

Part 1

Don’t Look Back! The Mysterious Story of Orpheus & Eurydice

Orpheus and Eurydice are famous for their doomed love story, but it turns out Orpheus is also famous for, well, inventing an entire religion separate from the traditional ancient Greek mythology and practices?!

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Part 2

There’s Life After Death, An Attempt to Understand the Orphic Tradition

What on Gaia's earth is the Orphic tradition? Liv attempts to break down this mysterious tradition that may or may not have been more of an ancient religion. And it all revolves around that famous Thracian singer, Orpheus.

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PArt 3

Finally, We’re Talking About Zagreus, Are You Happy? The Orphic Thrice Born Dionysus

Zagreus, Zagreus, Zagreus. What a mess of a story. It's gross, it's weird, it's both an afterthought and supremely important. Welcome to the story of thrice born Dionysus, better known as Zagreus.

CW/TW: **this episode includes particularly egregious assault and incest, even for Greek myth**

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Part 4

Born From a Cosmic Egg, You Say? More Orphic Tradition Horrors & Oddities

In this final episode on the Orphic tradition we look at some weird and wild alternate theogonies, the so-called Orphic gold tablets, and the Orphic hymns. Yes, it's a lot.

CW/TW: **this episode includes particularly egregious assault and incest, even for Greek myth**

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