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All Euripides, All the Time

Throughout September of 2024 Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! will be devoting episode upon episode upon episode to Every Correct Person’s Favourite Tragedian™, Euripides.

New episodes every Tuesday and Friday.


New episodes on Euripides life and work are released every Tuesday and Friday of September 2024. But if you just can’t get enough of the ancient genius of Euripides, there are so so so many episodes for that.

The original Euripides art by the Angel Incarnate features not-so-hidden depictions of four Euripides plays: The Trojan Women, Electra, Iphigenia at Aulis, and Ion.


Euripides’ AlCestis

Alcestis' husband is a bit of a dolt, the gods require him to die unless he can find someone to take his place. Alcestis agrees.

Conversations: Schrodinger’s Alcestis, Theories On the How & Why Behind Euripides’ Alcestis, w/ Dr. Ellie Mackin Roberts Spotify, Apple Podcast


Euripides’ Bacchae

The god Dionysus returns to his birthplace, Thebes, to find his cousin, the king, denouncing the gods' divinity. Things go pretty badly for Pentheus.

Conversations: Nonbinary Dionysus, a Look At Euripides' Bacchae with Emma Pauly Spotify, Apple Podcast



What if Helen hadn't been brought to Troy by Paris, but was replaced by the gods with an Eidolon, a spectre or ghost? The real Helen has been living in Egypt the whole time, when her husband Menelaus washes ashore.

The Choral Ode’s of Euripides’ Helen Are Worth Listening To - Spotify, Apple Podcast

Conversations: Exploring an Alternate Helen, Behind the Scenes of the Eidolon & Euripides’ Play w/ CW Marshall - Spotify, Apple Podcast


Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis

Iphigenia: daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Killed just to get to a war. Euripides's tragedy retelling Iphigenia's fate is the best way to tell her story. The king of Argos, Mycenae, has to sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia, in order to appease the gods and get goods winds to bring the Greeks to Troy. He does this through pretty horrifying means.

For a bit of background on the OH so cursed house of Argos, check out this Spotify Playlist!


EuriPIDES’ Iphigenia Among the Taurians

Thought that was all good ol’Euripides had to say on Iphegenia? Guess again! Having not been killed in Aulis like everyone beleived, Iphigenia has been living amongst the foreign Taurians when her brother and his friend arrive on the shores. Dramatic reveals and general wackines ensues.


Euripides’ Orestes

Orestes is haunted by the Furies for killing his mother for her role in killing his father, Agamemnon. The Furies make for a very dramatic play.

  • Part 1 - Beware the Wrath of the Furies, Screaming for Blood, Spotify, Apple Podcast

  • Part 2 -Setting the House Ablaze, Not Using Fire Spotify, Apple Podcast

  • Part 3 - Enter Apollo, to Tie Everything In a Nice Little Bow


Euripides’ The Phoenician Women / Phoenissae

An alternate ending to the story of Thebes: Oedipus, his wife-mother Jocasta, and their children, that puts Jocasta at the forefront.


Euripides’ The Trojan Women / The Troades

After the Trogan war, this play focuses on the women who must deal with being the spoils of a war that decimated both the Greeks and the Trojans.


Ancient Theatre


Sophocles’ Antigone

The daughters of Oedipus and Jocasta deal with the aftermath of her family's horrifying legacy.


Ancient Theatre


Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannos

The most well know story of Oedipus! And turns out a story of a man murdering his father and marrying his mother is actually supremely complex and the characters are incredibly sympathetic, who knew?!

  • Part 1 - Just a Nice Young Man From a Nice Family Spotify

  • Part 2 - TFW Maybe you Did Actually do the Thing You’re Accused Of Spotify

  • Part 3 - And it All Goes Up in Flames Spotify


Ancient Theatre


Sophocles’ TrachinIae

Sophocles' Trachiniae, the Women of Trachis, looks at the life, and tragedy, of Heracles' last mortal wife, Deianeira.

  • Part 1 - A Husband like Heracles, The Tragedy of Deianeira Spotify

  • Part 2 - Deianeira, Iole, & the Violence of Heracles’ Love Spotify

  • Part 3 - When Poisoned Shirts Have Got You Down Spotify

Conversations: A Most Sophoclean Prophecy, Women & Wordplay in Sophocles’ Trachiniae w/ Amy Pistone

Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast


The Comedies

The comedies of Aristophanes are classic examples of Athenian comedy. One day Liv will dive into plays beyond Aristophanes, but for now there’s still lots more to be covered... The Greek theatre Spotify playlist can be found here (comedy is at the end).

The Lysistrata

What would happen if all the women banded together to go on a sex strike? Would they be able to stop a war they don't believe in? Would it be hilarious? Absolutely.


Ancient Theatre


Aristophanes’ Women of the Thesmophoria

It's got women (kind of!)! It's got a women's only festival! It's got Euripides! It’s weird and wild time.



Ancient Theatre


The Frogs

If an ancient play titled “The Frogs” didn’t give it away, this is a ridiculously wonderful comedy. Our favourite wine-loving God, Dionysus pops down to the underworld to bring playwright Euripides back from the dead.

  • Part 1 - Frogs Ribbit on Route to the Underworld Spotify

  • Part 2 - Battle of the Poets, Euripides vs Aeschylus Spotify