The best at being the absolute worst. For episodes on Ariadne and Phaedra click here.

The story of Theseus

04.20 Theseus & All the People He Killed While Taking a Walk (Part 1)

Theseus is destined to be a hero, he just knows it. He's willing to kill anyone along the way in order to prove it.

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05.20 This Guy, Am I Right? (Part 2)

The adventures of this obnoxious hero continue. There's dealings with Medea, a war among family, the Marathonian bull is finally killed, and his most famous story begins.

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07.20 What Kind of Hero Abandons a Princess on an Island!? (Part 3)

Theseus is back and badder than ever. He finally encounters the Minotaur and proceeds to leave the woman who helped him on an island. He's just that type of guy.

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07.20 The “Hero” Who Kidnapped an Amazon, a Child, & a Goddess (Part 4)

Theseus, Theseus, Theseus. He's not done terrorizing the Hellenic world, next up: a kidnapping spree including a very, very young Helen of Sparta, an Amazonian queen, and a flesh and blood goddess.

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Theseus in History

07.22 Mythology meets History, Theseus as an Athenian Politician & Generally Awful Guy

That's right, we're returning to the story of Theseus because there is still more to that oh-so-problematic man! The myths of Theseus are uniquely Athenian, means of tying mythological heroes with Athenian might and the larger mythological history of Homeric tradition. (Begs the question, why did they have stories of him being quite so messy?!)

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A simplified Theseus from the early days of the podcast:

08.17 Theseus, Ruiner of Women & All Around Awful Person

The "hero" Theseus and all his epic and varied awfulness. Highlights include: bandits, Hippolyta queen of the Amazons, Ariadne and our friend the Minotaur! (Spoilers for Wonder Woman!)

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