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Heroes in Greek myth are a problematic bunch. It’s also difficult to decide who term a “hero”, as none of that are particularly heroic. Is it the guy who defeated a bunch of monsters in penance for killing his entire family in a fit of divine madness? Or the guy who kidnapped literally every woman he came across? Heroism is a notion that had a very different meaning in the ancient world and often simply meant a protector of some sort. Here you will find stories of the traditional “heroes” of Greek myth. You might also hear the men of the Trojan War defined as “heroes” but there stories are found in the series specific that war.

Heracles (Hercules)TheseusPerseus Jason Cadmus

Bellerophon gilgamesh


Zero to hero, just like that. Also known as Hercules ;)

Heracles’ (Hercules’) Origins & the Sack of Troy

05.21 Abductions Apology Horses & Menacing Theban Vixens

So many origins! Where did Laomedon of Troy's fancy horses come from, and why do they matter? And what about Heracles' familial origins?!

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05.21 Always Getting Sacked, Heracles & The Lesser Sacking of Troy

Before Agamemnon and Achilles, Troy had a messy encounter with a sea monster, Heracles, and some very fancy horses.

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Heracles’ (Hercules’) Many Lovers and Victims

07.21 Zodiac Constellations, Have you Hera’d One the about the Lion and the Crab

A crab and a lion: two of Heracles' victims. But behind every mythological monster, there's a strong woman.

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06.20 All the Best Heroes have Boyfriends, Heracles & Hylas

Heracles and Hylas loved each other very much, but as with most gay love stories of Greek mythology... it doesn't end well. #BLM This episode also includes last year's PRIDE episode as a bonus,

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02.22 Back on His Sh*t, Heracles wants to get hitched, Encounters with Iole & Omphale

Heracles is at it again! We return to this "hero" after he's "purified" himself from the murder of his wife and children... So obviously he's looking to get married again!

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02.22 Encounters with a Pinhead with Hooves, Acheloous, Deianeira, and the Centaur Nessus

Heracles reign of terror continues as he finds yet another woman to marry. This time, he must fight a river and defeat a centaur but not before inadvertently providing the cause of his own mortal demise...

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06.23 That Guy Really Got Around! Heracles & His Many, Many Boyfriends

Heracles had lovers all over the ancient Greek world, and a whole collection of them were men. These are their stories and, let's be honestly, brief mentions and anecotes.

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Sophocles’ Trachiniae

03.22 A Husband Like Heracles, The Tragedy of Deianeira (Part 1)

Heracles is a complicated fellow... Or maybe it's not so complicated. Sophocles' Trachiniae, the Women of Trachis, looks at the life, and tragedy, of Heracles' last mortal wife, Deianeira.

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03.22 Deianeira, Iole & The Violence of Heracles’ Victims (Part 2)

Continuing on with Sophocles' Women of Trachis, Deianeira learns the truth of where Heracles has been all this time, and what he's been doing. Spoilers: it's not good.

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09.23 Before Heracles, there was Alcmene: The Woman Behind the Greatest Hero

Before Heracles, there was Alcmene, and there's so much more to her than just "mother of a hero".

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Hercule’s Cultural Impact

09.23 Nobody Labours like Heracles: The Cultural History of the Panhellenic Hero

Heracles was like, a really big deal. Examining the historical and cultural impact of a 1000+ year old hero.

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Heracles’ (Hercules’) Labours (From the Early Days of the Podcast)

Zero to Hero, Just Like That (Part 1)

Think you know the story of Hercules? You may well be mistaken. His true origins are exposed... and compared to the Disney movie.

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The Gospel Truth (Part 2)

Heracles and his first six labours. He sure was a hero, but there's a lot more work and a lot less fun than the Disney version.

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He Can Go the Distance? (Part 3)

More of Heracles' labours, more comparisons to Disney, and a nifty use of a very large cup. Heracles has truly got it going on.

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A Star is Born (Part 4)

In Heracles' final labours there’s more Cerberus, a replacement wife, and, you guessed it, more cows! A star really is born. Even if he killed his family.

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Heracles Origins…Abduction Apology Horses & Menacing Theban Vixens

So many origins! Where did Laomedon of Troy's fancy horses come from, and why do they matter? And what about Heracles' familial origins?!

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The best at being the absolute worst. For episodes on Ariadne and Phaedra click here.

The story of Theseus

04.20 Theseus & All the People He Killed While Taking a Walk (Part 1)

Theseus is destined to be a hero, he just knows it. He's willing to kill anyone along the way in order to prove it.

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05.20 This Guy, Am I Right? (Part 2)

The adventures of this obnoxious hero continue. There's dealings with Medea, a war among family, the Marathonian bull is finally killed, and his most famous story begins.

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07.20 What Kind of Hero Abandons a Princess on an Island!? (Part 3)

Theseus is back and badder than ever. He finally encounters the Minotaur and proceeds to leave the woman who helped him on an island. He's just that type of guy.

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07.20 The “Hero” Who Kidnapped an Amazon, a Child, & a Goddess (Part 4)

Theseus, Theseus, Theseus. He's not done terrorizing the Hellenic world, next up: a kidnapping spree including a very, very young Helen of Sparta, an Amazonian queen, and a flesh and blood goddess.

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Theseus in History

07.22 Mythology meets History, Theseus as an Athenian Politician & Generally Awful Guy

That's right, we're returning to the story of Theseus because there is still more to that oh-so-problematic man! The myths of Theseus are uniquely Athenian, means of tying mythological heroes with Athenian might and the larger mythological history of Homeric tradition. (Begs the question, why did they have stories of him being quite so messy?!)

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A simplified Theseus from the early days of the podcast:

08.17 Theseus, Ruiner of Women & All Around Awful Person

The "hero" Theseus and all his epic and varied awfulness. Highlights include: bandits, Hippolyta queen of the Amazons, Ariadne and our friend the Minotaur! (Spoilers for Wonder Woman!)

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Born of a Golden Shower… For more about Medusa, click here.

08.21 Born of a Golden Shower, the Somewhat Heroic Origins of Perseus (Part 1)

Revisiting the story of Perseus: the details and variations, the so-called "full" story of the (mostly) heroic hero's origins and his quest to save his mother, Danae.

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08.21 Perseus at the Edge of the World, The Many Daughters of Phorcys & Ceto (Part 2)

Perseus's quest continues as he goes in search of the Gorgons sisters with a little (a lot) help from the gods. Looking at all the variations on this myth and their implications on one of the most ancient heroes.

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08.21 Andromeda, Phoenician-Ethiopian Royalty & Monsters Turned to Stone (Part 3)

After killing Medusa, Perseus comes across the Phoenician-Ethiopian princess, Andromeda, awaiting death by sea monster. He steps in, for a price...

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Perseus, Simplified… From the early days of the podcast

07.17 Perseus & The Crazy Things that Emerge When You Behead a Gorgon

The story of the hero Perseus (it's only vaguely like Clash of the Titans). We get a taste of how dangerous it is to talk to the Oracle, learn one of the creepiest ways Zeus got his rocks off, and just what happens when you behead a woman like Medusa.

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Fortunately he’s got Medea, and the Argonauts. Click here to learn more about Medea (a.k.a the one who actually did the things)

11.19 Jason is a Perpetual Dirtbag, Hypsipyle & The Lemnian Women

Returning to Iolchus, before Jason ever met Medea, and the other woman he promised himself to and subsequently abandoned, Hypsipyle, one of the infamous Lemnian Women.

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From the Early Days of the podcast:

10.17 Jason, Medea & the Mother F***ing Argonauts

Murder, monsters, and mayhem, the story of Jason, Medea, and the Argonauts is full of everyone one might desire in their Greek myths.

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10.17 Double, Double, Toil & Trouble, Jason’ll Burn & the Children Bubble

Medea, the character most famous for being downright insane. Her story, and the play by Euripides, is one of the most bloody and violent of all of Greek mythology. It's also one of the few that treat women as humans. What a coincidence.

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Have you heard of him? Cadmus is pretty cool.

05.22 Daughter of Gods Meets Phoenician Hero, The Story of Cadmus & Harmonia (Part 1)

What happens when a hero marries a goddess? The story of Cadmus and Harmonia, the mysterious and yet deeply important couple and the origins of their family's curse.

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05.22 That is One Cursed Necklace! The Deadly Dynasty of Cadmus & Harmonia (Part 2)

How does a curse like theirs filter down the generations? The fate of the family of Cadmus and Harmonia, and their own...

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09.17 Cadmus, Saviour of Awful Zeus & Guy Who Can Grow People from Dragon Teeth

Cadmus is a hero and the founder of Thebes, he also saves Zeus' skin. His wife is a badass daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. The gods can be petty and vindictive too, they're only human.

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He’s the only one who rode Pegasus!

12.18 Bellerophon, The Underserved Hero Who Actually Rode Pegasus

Pegasus, he's a pretty famous horse, but, do you know who actually rode him? The myth, the man, the horse.

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07.23 All I Really Want is to Talk About the Fire-Breathing Goat…Bellerophon, Pegasus & The Chimera

Diving deeper into the story of Bellerophon, the perpetually forgotten hero who defeated the absolutely magnificent Chimera (and was the only hero to actually ride Pegasus!)

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Not Greek, but super cool all the same.

01.20 The Mesopotamians Did it First, The Epic of F***ing Gilgamesh

The Mesopotamians were badass, and loved a badass woman.

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01.20 Ancient Guys Doing Crazy Things

Part two of the Mesopotamian epic, the first recorded work of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh!

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